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Monday, August 1, 2011

Rebecca Black is a Jerk xP

After watching the newest Kids React to Videos and Listening to My Moment again I totally agree with them about Rebecca Black's message in the video. She's wants to be on everyone's good side but making a song that sends a message of "Oh look now I'm famous and you said I couldn't be nothing well take that :P just look at my popularity" Really? Really? U made a new video to send us that message -_- well u now got more people on there bad side. And what moment r u talking about no one likes friday people talk about it badly how is that a good thing? And your only popular because of a horrible song called Friday. If I was Rebecca I would have waited until I had 5 or 4 good single releases and then preform this song to show how good you've gotten because writing this when u only have one song that sucks has no point unless u really want more people to hate u (why am I talking like if this message is for her o_o) So watch the following videos and see if u get my point. But I have to agree it's better than friday and a kinda good song but the message is like really?

Kid's React Video:

Rebecca Black's My Moment


  1. It's like she doesn't remember what every (good) celebrity does to their haters: IGNORES THEM! You just don't go and write a song about it, cuz it makes you sound like a baby that can't take a couple of rude comments (which, if you wanna be famous, that's what you gotta do!)

    Either way, she needs a new songwriter. I've written better songs when I was 8, and I am NOT exaggerating. And the producers need to stop auto-tuning her voice. She's not THAT bad of a singer, and drowning her voice in auto-tune just makes her sound worse, not better.

  2. Her voice sounds better, and I agree that the lyrics are just her getting back at the poeple who hated Friday. But, I think this song sounds better than her previous songs.

  3. you know, now that i think about it, your right kawaii. but the video sounds alot better then friday. her voice improved, but seriously, she didnt need to over-reacte.

  4. besides, who would you rather listen too?? rebecca or justin beiber?

  5. lol shayna.
    and kawaii...WHY THE HECK DOES IT SAY NEKOS!

  6. I changed it and I would rather listen to Lady Gaga's Judas :P (i hate that song so much)
