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Monday, October 17, 2011

You don't need Photoshop

Haii!!!!!!!! It feels like I haven't blogged for 1,000,000,000 years xD xDWell as u can tell by the title u don't need photoshop to make fancy YT BG's Icon's or to make desktops. So instead of buying the $500-$1000 program u can download the free program
Just look at this awepic BG that was made by WinxSparkle aka Timeja on GIMP
Not even I who has Photoshop can't do that xD just look at my latest BG
Well my point is if you want something close to photoshop download GIMP it's free :)
You can even ask Stella she uses it ^^

To View Timeja's Art : ~WinxSparkle
To view my fail Art: ~KawaiiasaDivina
Well see u in my next post that will be 1,000,000 years from now xD

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Semi-Hiatus :|

New rule in my house: Can turn on computer till done with home work. And right now I'm getting a lot of homework xP So I'll be on a Semi-Hiatus. Will miss u all :')

Monday, September 5, 2011

Claire (colored version) Finished

Finally finished this for a friend of mines ^^ I was lazy to upload to DA so I instead made a post about it xD Also because I haven't posted something in a long time :P

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

New xEBS icons

Well our 1st MEP won't be ti'll the mid of sep so I'll keep u posted on that ;)
Well here r the new icons ^^ Enjoy

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Leaving Tomorrow

The picture says it all I will start my Vacation Hiatus tomorrow @ 1:00 pm pacific time (even though I don't leave til night) but my laptop has to be packed up and I will be very busy making sure I have everything ready to leave. If u have YouTube PM and I will respond ^^ (or I hope i do :P ) well I'll miss u all.
ILY <3
~Kawaii as a Divina ^^

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Monday, August 1, 2011

Rebecca Black is a Jerk xP

After watching the newest Kids React to Videos and Listening to My Moment again I totally agree with them about Rebecca Black's message in the video. She's wants to be on everyone's good side but making a song that sends a message of "Oh look now I'm famous and you said I couldn't be nothing well take that :P just look at my popularity" Really? Really? U made a new video to send us that message -_- well u now got more people on there bad side. And what moment r u talking about no one likes friday people talk about it badly how is that a good thing? And your only popular because of a horrible song called Friday. If I was Rebecca I would have waited until I had 5 or 4 good single releases and then preform this song to show how good you've gotten because writing this when u only have one song that sucks has no point unless u really want more people to hate u (why am I talking like if this message is for her o_o) So watch the following videos and see if u get my point. But I have to agree it's better than friday and a kinda good song but the message is like really?

Kid's React Video:

Rebecca Black's My Moment

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Code Geass cute/funny pictures xD

C.C. is Elsie and Lelouch is Keima (i'll fix that alter xD0
Just kawaii
Nunnally and Rolo are Rin and len Suzaku is Meiko o.O Lelouch is Kaito and C.C. is Miku ^^
Just Kawaii ^^
Everlasting Luv :)

Friday, July 22, 2011

xEternal Blossom Studios

Hi! I made a MEP group called xEternal Blossom Studio. Audition if u want to join ^o^ sorry only Anime.

Any program is allowed :D

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Blingee addiction :P

I'm addicted to blingee now just look how many blingee's i've made

Saturday, July 9, 2011